Friday, August 24, 2007

My Finishing Notes

A warm thank you to all the contestants from the executive committee and staff of IAUM CCC 4, for coming to Mashhad (and/or staying in Mashhad during the tournament!)
A personal thanks from me to my fellow judges who prevented me from screwing up the contests, to the executive committee who've spent the entirety of this past month and most of the months before that preparing and worrying about this tournament, to the staff who are in some ways the soul of a programming contest and set the tone and atmosphere and do most of the actual work during the procession. It might be interesting to know that right now, when the tournament is finished and everyone has gone home, some members of the executive committee and some of the staff are cleaning up the horrible mess of a university they've so much labored to create for not one week ago! And come tomorrow morning, if a piece of scotch tape remains on the floor or a single mouse is missing, will have to endure the prosecution(!) of the rest of the university.
A special thanks to the members of IAUM Computer Engineering Faculty, our teachers, who've supported us with guidance and trust and encouragement, in an environment of bureaucracy and stillness.
The most special thanks goes to Ms. Zeinab Zeinalpour, the person in charge of the whole tournament. I'm sure she's had no proper sleep for several weeks now and won't have for at least another couple until the dust is settled.
If you think these notes where inappropriate here, well... they should not have given me write permission on this blog! >:)


Anonymous said...

manam be hame khaste nabaashid migam, vaaghe'an mosaabegheye kheyli khubi bargozaar kardid.

Anonymous said...

khaste nabashid
faghat age momkene scoreboard va I/O ha ro release konid.

Anonymous said...

kheyli kheyli khaste nabashid, vaghe'an mosabeghate khubi bud.
axaye mosabeghat ro key upload mikonid ? I/O ha ro release mikonid?

Anonymous said...

خسته نباشید
من دانشجوی دانشگاه قم هستم ماه آینده ما یه مسابقه برای برگزاری داریم. می خواستم بدانم ممکن است از نرم افزار شما استفاده کنیم؟ منظورم kopcs بود.
سورسش رو چطوری ÷یدا کنیم؟

yzt said...

لطفاً به من ايميل بزنيد که با هم در موردش صحبت کنيد.
کلاً من هيچ مشکلي براي دادن کد KOPCS به کسي ندارم، ولي شايد استفاده ازش خيلي سخت يا حتي غير ممکن باشه.
کلاً اخبار مربوط به KOPCS و اين جور چيزها رو در سايت شخصي من بايد پيدا کنيد يا اگر بحثي مي خواد بشه بايد اونجا بشه.

Anonymous said...

البته من آدرس الکترونیک شما رو ندارم.
برای همین می خواستم با شما صحبت کنم که نحوه ی راه اندازی این برنامه به چه صورت هست و به چه امکاناتی نیاز داریم
تا بررسی کنیم و ببینیم در دانشگاه چنین امکاناتی آماده وجود داره یا نه!!!
با تشکر

Anonymous said...


من امکانات سیستمی که شما گفتید رو بررسی کردم، اینجا چنین امکاناتی هست و مدیر سایت گفت خودمون می تونیم هاست کنیم.

ایمیل زدم ولی جوابی دریافت نکردم. حالا چجوری باید به سورس برنامه دسترسی پیدا کنم؟

با تشکر